Get a Preview of What Surgery Could Do For You

If you are thinking about breast augmentation, a breast lift, or possibly both, chances are good that you have been contemplating this decision for years. Once you find a plastic surgeon you trust, there are the obvious concerns about safety and cost. The next big decision is determining which implant style, shape, and size is right for you, or would you be satisfied with a lift alone? The Vectra® 3D Imaging and Simulation System has been seamlessly incorporated into plastic surgeon Dr. Caroline Glickman’s preoperative planning, based on bio-dimensional principles. Good communication skills and comprehensive patient education are essential. Dr. Glicksman is the author of several chapters on patient education in breast augmentation. Studies have shown that the decisions made by both the surgeon and the patient during the consultation phase may have more of an impact on the outcome and its longevity than the exact implant selected or the procedure itself.

One of the most difficult steps in an augmentation is getting the results you imagined. How can a patient know what she will look like with a certain implant or lift? Outdated methods of communication that try to predict possible outcomes include looking at before and after images of other patients who look similar, or the method of giving a patient a batch of implants to “try on” in a bra. Both of these methods have been shown to lead to miscommunication and high rates of revision for size change. Vectra® 3D Imagining with New Jersey’s Dr. Glicksman is different.

Get The Discussion Going With Dr. Glicksman

Learn more about Dr. Caroline Glicksman, a plastic surgeon in New Jersey, Call us to schedule a consultation today.

How Does the Vectra® 3D Simulation Work?

While every patient is reminded that the Vectra® 3D imaging is a simulation of her possible outcome, studies have demonstrated more than 90 percent accuracy in the highly advanced simulations that are created. After accurate measurements are obtained, a range of implants that fit a patient’s specific anatomy is determined. For many patients, the choices include both round and shaped devices, and this affords an opportunity to use Vectra® 3D Imaging to visualize the real differences between the many styles available. Existing asymmetries between the breasts and associated chest wall abnormalities can be detected in many women. Implants can be selected that will balance these differences and create improved symmetry.

The newest Vectra® 3D Imaging software now includes the ability to visualize a breast lift (mastopexy), in addition to a breast augmentation. A variety of scar patterns can be demonstrated, and patients can get a very realistic look of what an implant alone, an implant plus a lift, or even a lift alone may look like via Vectra® 3D Imaging. We have come a very long way in creating better-educated patients.

Can I View My Consult Again After I Go Home?

Patients can now view their consultation with Dr. Glicksman from the privacy of their own home after the consultation is completed. The new “View My Consult” portal is available for women who wish to either review their consultation or to share their experience with a family member or significant other who could not be present at the office visit. There is no additional charge for the Vectra® 3D simulation, which is integrated into the consultation phase of augmentations, lifts, and certain revisions.

Breast Augmentation Using Vectra® 3D Simulations

View breast augmentation photos

View breast lift photos

View Vectra 3D Imaging with Dr. Glicksman

Every Patient. Every Visit.

Dr. Glicksman is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has been committed to delivering expert, state-of-the-art care for her patients for over 25 years. The doctor performs all of her own consultations, procedures, and treatments and does not use “practice extenders” to care for her patients.

Dr. Glicksman In The Media

Dr. Glicksman is one of the founding members of the Plastic Surgery Channel and is a frequent contributor, serving on their Medical Advisory Board. Frequently asked to contribute to the health section of magazines like Allure, she also contributes educational content to many courses, textbooks, and peer-reviewed journals, including filming at WebMD studios in New York City.

View a selection of videos ranging from informative interviews about cosmetic and reconstructive procedures to real patients sharing their success stories. Tour her New Jersey practice, view Vectra® 3D Imaging simulations of results, check out the latest advances in surgical and nonsurgical techniques, and more.

Visit Our Video Gallery And Get To Know Dr. Glicksman